Friday, May 23, 2008

Girls rule

On May 20th we had an ultrasound and found out we are having a baby girl. Kate is soo excited. She has said "Mom, now the girls win!!!" And she also has said "Mom, I knew it was a girl, you and dad and Ben thought it was a boy but I knew it was a girl" We are so very happy to be having another girl. Kate and Ben will be a great big sister and big brother.


Ute Family said...

Good to see some updates. Congrats on the baby girl.
Kate looks so cute in her program. But why does she look like she's choking herself?!?! I'd like to hear what the program was about :)

AW said...

Girls do rule! The eastcoast also rules:) We miss you guys and wish you were closer! We were just in Duck with Ryan's fam and missing our good friends that have headed west too soon! Miss you and congrats to Kate on her baby sister! Do you want to bring a newborn to NC?